Basic Information
Level 15
Exp 16995

L33. They're All Plants

You opened a letter.

I am White Flame Knight Cahan. You've helped me before, and I know you can help me again.

Fuleyla's birthday is approaching, and I'd like to give her a special gift. I know ladies love flowers, and I want to prepare a bouquet for her, but my duties prevent me from doing so.

Cranky Gnarled Treant and Gnarled Treant dwell near the Old City in Plague Forest. Please gather their branches so I can make a gift for my beloved.
Cahan asked you to look for a birthday gift for Fuleyla? I suppose that's rather nice, but I always thought women preferred roses to branches from scary tree monster things. But perhaps I'm behind the times.

Plague Forest is located in the north of the Kaslow Plains.

Ilya Senate >=9000