Basic Information
Stack-Size 250


Demon Tear Essence
"This essence of monster tears is a droplet-shaped crystal charged with years of suppressed rage. The owner of this essence possesses the eternal power of the monster. It's quite corrosive, so use caution with it, or it will eat a hole right through your favorite band t-shirt."
Content In:
NPC Zone
<True Black Bone Pirate Robot> Alpha DC Condemned Island (X:131.404 , Y:352.901 )
<King of True Black Bone Pirates> Powerful Ardenis Condemned Island (X:184.157 , Y:481.904 )
<Leader of True Black Bone Pirates> Mighty Ardenis Condemned Island (X:280.174 , Y:591.684 )
<Ancient Sprite Messenger> Sangcart Condemned Island (X:550.95 , Y:380.649 )
<Leader of True Black Bone Pirates> Enraged Ardenis Condemned Island (X:282.961 , Y:590.708 )
Source of Sangcart's Power Condemned Island (X:563.59 , Y:392.295 )
Mutant <Steel Tip> Hungry Hawkmo Mutated Forbidden Temple (X:144.624 , Y:341.423 )
Mutated <Sentry Commander> Mutated Didelos Mutated Forbidden Temple (X:371.727 , Y:244.855 )
Mutated <Exotic Queen> Roshiel Mutated Forbidden Temple (X:23.1884 , Y:160.45 )
Mutated <War Machine> Runaway Magnita Mutated Forbidden Temple (X:141.078 , Y:480.764 )
Mutated <War Machine> Enraged Magnita Mutated Forbidden Temple (X:138.667 , Y:484.55 )
Obtained from
Icefall Exploration Lv. 85 - 94
Molten Stone Exploration Lv. 87 - 96